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Gaushala are Sanctuaries for bovine animals whose origin can be traced back to the vedic period ‘Rigveda’ refers to cow as Aghnya , one which must never be killed. Historically our social customs and rules laid great emphasis on Protection , Preservaton , and development of cow and its progeny . The Gaushalas symbolize our cultural heritage for the animal welfare and is synonymous with the protection of cows and cattle wealth of the country. It is an institution established for the purpose of keeping, breeding, rearing and maintaining cattle or for the purpose of reception, protection and treatment of infirm, aged or diseased cattle. It is primarily focused on providing shelter to cows and caters mostly to the needs of non-lactating, weak, unproductive, and stray cattle .The last half decade (2012-2019) has seen a decline in the total indigenous cattle population to a tune of 6.00 percent.The major factors for the decrease in indigenous cattle population are attributed to uneconomical returns due to low productivity and replacement of draft power in agriculture by mechanization.This has led to extra burden on the farmers’ to take care of feeding, breeding and healthcare needs of the cattle.However, due to growing consensus for protection and conservation of our cattle resources, institutions like Gaushalas have gained significant importance over the time. However, the potential of Gaushalas is yet to be stapped by its stakeholders.

Cow science research and training center

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The cow Science Research and Training Center, which is dedicated to the spread of widespread utility of cows and research in five useful cow products such as Panchagavya i.e. milk, curd, ghee, urine and cow dung. The idea behind this scheme is that India has been agricultural land for centuries and has been the backbone of cattle and especially cow agricultural activities. India's soil was considered a rich mine producing raw materials for food, shelter and clothes- which are three basic requirements of humans. Thus, cow, calf, bull and bull were very part of Indian life, its traditions and culture.
With the changing times, modern technologies, tools, practices affected agriculture in the same way that they impressed all other areas of life.

Traditional agriculture has both good and bad effects. Along with agriculture, healthcare was also attached to cow's products as Panchagavya drugs were an inseparable part of India's own traditional medical system Ayurveda. After extensive deliberations by social experts, there was a need to start a research and training center that would focus on matters related to cows especially from a scientific point of view.Therefore, the name GVAPK Center which will intend to scientifically study cow and to reestablish the multi-dimensional utility of cows and its products. The result of neglect of cow -based lifestyle is being felt in today's time.
The aim of GVAPK is to revive the lost and forgotten utility of cows, and also laying a strong foundation of scientific research using the globally acceptable modern parameters. Thus, it is to train people in the implementation of cow science i.e. cow science, especially in all possible areas of life - all possible fields of life - especially in agriculture and health care.
Thus, "Gau Aadhaar Agriculture" and "Panchagavya Medicine" ie cow based agriculture and cow-product-based health care are two major areas of GVAPK.

Cow Enterpreneur

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With the help of career oriented education centre we provide various kinds of training courses in Agriculture,farming, Dairy,Handicraft etc for vocational period under the supervision of expert faculties. Students not only learn the best skills, but also feel confident about their job placements. We believe in parting and spreading knowledge & Practical Training instead of teaching only. It is due to this spirit only that we are growing in our field.We will impart vocational training as required by the local industry and also providing need based training to become self entrepreneur.

Vetrenary Hospital

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Today is the Need to educate farmers and animal caretakers , spread awareness on health and medicine about their pets/animals.Advance Veterinary Hospital (AVH) is a center where people and their pets visit regularly to achieve a healthy, fulfilling life together. AVH provides a caring and educational environment where people can learn about maximizing the health and well-being of their animals and pets .

Our vision is to provide the highest level of pet care through medical innovation, continued education, and advancements in animal healthcare.We will strengthen communication with Villagers, and set a precedence of treating them and their pets responsibly, respectfully, and individually in a family environment, all while inspiring a culture of trust and compassion. Through our community involvement and support, we will promote and nurture the joy of the pet-human bond.


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Panchgavya in Sanskrit means a blend of five products obtained from cow and holds an important place in Ayurvedic medicine. It is basically a concoction of cow’s dung, urine, milk, curd and ghee. It doesn’t only heal one’s body but also lifts up depressed mental states thereby providing positivity, longevity and magnetic charisma. Due to such benefits of Panchgavya, it is often called as a divine elixir by Ayurvedacharyas. Ancient scriptures like bhel sanhita, kashyap sanhita, charak sanhita, sushrut sanhita, gad nigrah, ras tantra saar and yog ratnakar granth hail about glory of the mix of cow’s five essences – the Panchgavya. Pharmacy is preparing gaumay products which are based on five ingredients . Our products are Chemical less , purely herbal , & Organic . We are producing about hundreds of products in our Pharmacy & all are available online .

Annapurna Kendra

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Even today, there are families in India who after toiling throughout the day, do not get enough food to eat. How then will such people, who do not get a one-time meal properly, send their children to school and College ? And even if they do, how would these children study? An empty stomach vouches for neither complete concentration nor does it helps in building up a child’s health. This, in turn, will cause hindrance in the development of this generation. It is with this thought process we will Start a “Anapurna Kendra “ and will try that nobody will left with empty stomach in Gau Gram

Rojgar Prashikshan kendra

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Rojgar Prashikshan Kendra (RPK) main aim is to develop skills among today youth and get prepare them for Self-Employment. We work with Common objectives of identifying, training, motivating & facilitating unemployed youth to take up self-employment.These kendra model has been considered as an effective model for creation of sustainable livelihoods through Self Employment. We will Focus to optimize employment opportunities and maximize livelihood options for the youth of the nearby villages by training them in demand driven employable skills & empower them.